Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 10 -

Photo of Jesse Fluegge with water for the trip to Ouagadougou


Photo of Brian and Bill repairing windows on the kids school next to the Fluegges house.

Tuesday, June 10, Bill : Boy, did those screens need fixing. We made some great progress this morning and I came back after the student interviews to finish up. I got swarmed by mosquitoes!

I did get some clarification on Togolese polygamy from Glenn last night. I had previously thought that a Christian who wanted to be a minister would have to separate from his wives, but that is not the case. Instead, the marriages are recognized as valid as they were recognized as part of the civil society. However, a man with more than one wife may join the church, but may not be a minister. And, once a man with one wife becomes a Christian, he is not allowed to have any more.

I missed my family today. When saying goodbye to the Fluegge’s, Jesse, the 3-year old, gave he a stranglehold hug and a kiss on the cheek – just like TJ.

I missed my dog, Baxter, today, too. I dropped some food on the floor and he wasn’t around to eat it.

The Heat – The heat can really sap the life out of you here. I don’t know how anybody can work a full day doing anything. The temperature is between 90-100 on a daily basis, but there is really no escape. Air conditioning is infrequent, and there is none where we are. By the end of the day, it can make thinking and communicating a difficult task.

1 comment:

Al said...

Hi Bill and Team, very inspirational! I am sure you've heard about our heat, finally broke last night. Are you all converting new folks or interviewing existing Christians? Some interesting tidbits - the Governor came to visit, Mitt is a strong contender for VP and the Celts are up 2 - 1. Looking forward to your safe return, Al Miller