Sunday, June 15, 2008

June 14 Last Full Day

Antoine, one of pastors in training, reading his Bible before graduation

Antoine from Congo Brazzaville receiving diploma

Saturday, June 14  10:30 p.m.  Matthew
We love you all and continue to thank God for our senders!  Today was an amazing day witnessing God's faithfulness to the students and faculty as we celebrated graduation with them.  I got to sing 'To God be the glory' with Dr. Dongo at the graduation ceremony--he in his native language from the Democratic Republic of Congo and me in English.  Awesome!  We were able to visit with Fred Reinhardt and Ron Mudge tonight, our OSLC missionary past and present.  We are honored to encourage both of them.  Ron is here to teach an intensive seminar on the Greek language and Fred came for the CLET graduation. Tonight we've been sorting photos, checking brochure outlines, making sure we've got all we need to come home with to complete our projects here.  God willing, we will worship in Dapaong tomorrow and then drive 5 hours to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso where we depart for Paris at 8:15 p.m.  We'll try to blog from Ouaga or Paris, but if not we'll send a note when we get back into JFK before arriving into Boston on Monday at 3 p.m.  Keep praying and know that you are prayed for and loved! 

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