Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 10 - Dinner With The Fluegges and Valerie

Photo of Matthew, Samuel, Abigail, and Caleb

Tuesday, June 10, Brian: Water water everywhere…as Bill noted, its hot. Everything here is so hard, including getting water. We drink filtered water. Going to the store is not an option. If one of us forgets to fill the filter bucket, no water. Even brushing your teeth is an effort that must be thought out. Yesterday, I put my toothbrush under running water by mistake and had to thoroughly wash it with filtered.

Last night, we went out to dinner with the Fluegge’s and a woman who has been here for quite a while, Valerie. Valerie translated for us for the interviews today, and is an English teacher. She has taught many missionary kids while she has been here. It’ss so strange that with all the mud huts and poverty, a decent restaurant can be uncovered.

We are on dial up internet, which is OK, but we must intrude on the Fluegge’s to do it. If you remember, dial up is sloooowwwww. Waiting for pictures to upload and web pages to complete is a test of patience. Susan and the kids left for the States for 2 months today, and Pastor Glenn is gone until Thursday, so we can surf the net! We have Susan’s cell phone as well, and bought 2 phone cards to charge it up. Phone cards are as common as chickens.

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