Thursday, June 5, 2008

June 3 - Words From The Team - In Paris

Matthew: Thank you so much for helping us.  Here are some blog entries from the past few days.  Attached are some some photos too, and then I hope to write a short blog entry from here as well.
Bill:   June 3, 2008. 3am EST ( 8am Paris) We’ve arrived in Paris and seen the Eiffel Tower. Well, we took a picture next to an artist’s rendition of the Tower and had a bite to eat. A medium coffee costs 2.70 €, which is about $4.30.  And, we think the US is expensive.  I’ve also seen a woman in the men’s bathroom and a man go into the women’s bathroom. I can’t tell if I’m really confused or if that’s the way things work here. We are traveling well together and I can tell we will work well together once we get to Togo.

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