Tuesday, June 10, 2008 Matthew 10:07 p.m.: This morning we were able to fix screens on the missionary kid school classroom door and window. The screens are to protect the kids from mosquitoes. We are thankful to be able to help with these practical projects to save Glenn time. This afternoon we had the honor of interviewing 6 students from the Center. They were: Tamba from Guinea, Pierre from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Antoine from Congo Braazaville, Tanpo from Burkina Faso, Anselme from Benin and Lare from Togo. Each one of the students told us how they came to faith in Jesus and how God called them to come and study at the Center. They also testified as to how their training at the Center has made a profound impact on their lives and how they are being equipped to plant churches and teach God’s Word. It was a great honor to hear of God’s faithfulness in their lives. Many of them come from animistic/pagan backgrounds. Tamba from Guinea learned about the saving grace of Jesus through a Liberian who came and taught them. Pierre from the Democratic Republic of Congo was committed to pagan gods at birth. Not long after, a Christian came into his mother’s life and taught her the powerful, freeing grace of Jesus Christ. Amen! Only God knows what He will do with these men after their training at the Center is completed—but the possibilities are exciting! We pray that all of French-speaking West Africa will come to faith in our awesome God!
The Fluegges left for Burkina Faso at 12 noon. It was sad to say goodbye to them. It was also quite strange that the short termers—us—were waving goodbye to the long-termers—the Fluegges. In just 6 days we were able to develop a wonderful friendship with all of them. God has placed them in our hearts and we love them all! Hopefully they will be able to come to Topsfield one day to meet the OSLC family! Glenn will be back with Bill, Brian and me on Thursday.
One of the projects Glenn asked us to do is to paint the lines for a basketball court.. There is an old tennis court next to the Fluegge’s home that Glenn put a hoop at the one end. We will paint the lines on one end of the court so Samuel Fluegge can teach his Togolese friends basketball. Bob and Kyle Uhlig emailed us the measurements today for the court—so thank you Uhlig men! You are helping start a basketball craze in Togo! We also learned that the Celtics are up 2 games and it was 100 degrees at home today! Together we’re sharing the heat!
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