June 11, 2008 9pm – Bill: Bon (well), we don’t understand French, but that didn’t stop us from having a good time with the faculty and students. Everyone introduced themselves, again, and exchanged greetings and words of encouragement. We gave all the students an evangecube, a journal, some pens, a bar of Ivory soap, and some Christian literature in French. Then, they opened up the chockpa bucket and Dr. Dongo and Rev. Souk started telling jokes.
Rev. Souk comes across as a quiet man, but he and Dr. Dongo really had everybody in stitches. They spoke too long for us to get a verbatim translation from Valerie, but the jokes mostly revolved around language barriers getting in the way of communication.
After the party, we took headshots of all the students again for their student profiles and we all tried to communicate a little more individually with the students. Some speak better English than others, but a smile goes a long way towards communicating friendship and unity in Christ.
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