Friday, June 13, 2008

June 11 Fellowship, Jokes, and Evangi-Cube

June 11th Brian Today, we finished a few things on the Fluegge ‘to-do ‘ list. We fixed a few screens, replaced a light assembly, and cleaned the truck. These little chores are some things that they really needed done, and have not had time.
Mid-day, when its hottest, we did some work inside such as reviewing the interviews, picture logging etc. It about 90 or so, and dry. So I guess we are cooler than Boston. That’s a little weird, since we are in Africa.
At 5:00, we met all the students at the center. We have met all of them, but as I blogged before, culture says formal presentations must be made. So each student introduced himself, and the OSLC ‘Twas Amis’ each said a few words. We had a devotional by Matthew, and then handed out some of the gifts we brought. Nice leather journals, pens, evangi-cubes (which tell the Christian story in the form of something like a Rubiks cube) and enjoyed a bucket of Chockba. I wish we spoke French. These guys were having a blast telling jokes and stories. I told one and Valerie translated, then they would tell one. Its hard to tell a cross cultural joke, some of the language just does not allow the humor.

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